Monday, May 17, 2021

We need to remind ourselves.....


A whole lot of kind words are being offered up about Liz Cheney's courageous stand against the GOP's new world order, and with a few caveats, they are probably warranted. 

These are, however, mighty big caveats.

I do think it needs to be remembered that it was Liz and her ilk that turned a blind eye to the hollowing out of the Republican Party that began nearly 50 years ago and accelerated during the Reagan years.  Their lust for power and willingness to court dangerous consequences in order to acquire and maintain power cannot be forgotten, nor can she or historic Repubs (I'm looking at you Lincoln Project) be permitted to skate around the issue of responsibility for the existential crisis (yes, it is that) of the United States of America.

My big problem is this... However well intentioned they think they are in their bold opposition to Trump's grip on the party, they stop well short of expressing the kind of remorse befitting their historic offence.  This tells me one thing... They don't get it.  Yes, I appreciate that they are wrapping themselves in rhetoric about flag and constitution, but that is a dollar dry and more than a few years short.  They were party to a systematic deception that has impacted more than a few generations of Americans that by hook or crook, were denied the benefits of an education that would deny them of, amongst so many things, the critical thinking tools that would serve them, and by extension, the whole country.

Remorse, repentance, redemption.  In my books, the "moderate, old school Republicans" have not yet approached the 1st two of those 3 "R's" and consequently have not enjoyed the consequence that is the 3rd.

Anyways, thanks for tuning into my thoughts on the subject.


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